It's a new day. Choose More 

Your Best Life isn’t a distant horizon; it's right now.  Explore 'Me Moments' – those rare, quiet instances where the world feels like it’s yours alone. Dive into a 'Bucket List' that stretches your boundaries, and creates once in a lifetime experiences. Or outline 'Life Goals' that map your aspirations, igniting a flame that propels you forward. Start planning today. Because every moment is a chance to choose... I Choose More


I Choose More Challenge

When is the last time you took time to do something just for you? It's time to get back to what makes you, uniquely you.  Find the things you need to carve out time to do that are just for you.  Give yourself permission to enjoy some "me moments".  Planning is the key to to creating a guilt-free plan that allows you to build in time in your busy day. Take the I Choose More Challenge today to discover the things worth making time to do.

Sign up for the I Choose Challenge



I'm Gwen Riley..

and I'm on a mission. Twelve years ago, God revealed my purpose to me. It’s to help others empower themselves to live their best life. My best life is grounded in faith.  By trusting God I’ve been able to love more, achieve more, and give back more. 

Now I use my own personal struggles and successes to encourage others to pursue dreams and maximize potential within the boundaries of their purpose. I’ll show you how to enjoy the little things (me moments), pursue the memorable things (bucket list) and achieve your big dreams (life goals). So let's go! It starts with you making the commitment, I CHOOSE MORE.

You Were Made for More

“You can’t be that kid standing at the top of the waterslide, overthinking it. You have to go down the chute.”

- Tina Fey


"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream"

- C.S. Lewis

“Die with memories, not with dreams.” 

- Unknown

Where Would You Like To Start?

Me Moments

Personal time for reflection, relaxation, and self care to take a breather from life's hustle. Take a break from daily responsibilities, stresses, or routine to focus on yourself, for the sake of self-care or personal well-being. Prioritize yourself, even if just briefly, to recharge and rejuvenate

Bucket List

Experiences or achievements that you hope to have or accomplish during your lifetime. These can include travel destinations, personal goals, events to attend, or any other experiences you wish to have in your lifetime.


Dreams with deadlines. They're the milestones you chase, providing purpose and direction, fueling your ambitions, and measuring your progress in life's journey. Whether big or small, personal or professional, they're the targets that keep you moving forward and give your efforts meaning.


Level Up Your Life

Our comprehensive blog has everything you need to better understand your current financial situation and plan for the future.

The Regret-Free Life

Aug 15, 2023

From Ordinary to Extraordinary

Aug 01, 2023

Best Me Journey

Aug 15, 2023


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