IChoose More Blog

Step into "I Choose More", a vibrant space packed fullĀ  of, challenging thoughts, tales of triumphs and tenacity!Ā  Embrace challenges as thrilling adventures. With electrifying insights and heart-stirring narratives, we ignite a fire within, pushing boundaries and shattering limits. Dive in and supercharge your journey, because when faced with life's twists, here we roar:Ā I Choose More!


From Ordinary to Extraordinary

Jul 31, 2023

Are you tired of the same old routine? Well, listen up because I've got something important to tell you. If you're craving change, if you want something extraordinary to happen in your life, then you've got to break free from the ordinary. It all begins with a simple question: What do you really want?

Stop for a moment and think about it. The power to shape your life lies in your hands. It's your call, your decision. No more excuses. Sure, we've all had our fair share of setbacks, heartbreaks, and failures. Maybe you're not exactly where you want to be right now. But guess what. You're a warrior deep down  and let me tell you a little secret.  Who you are and what you possess in this very moment doesn't determine your future. It's the choices you make from this day forward that will chart your path.

Think about it. The person you'll become in the next ten years will be a direct result of what you do today and every day that follows. Can you find the strength within you to commit to your dreams? Are you willing to make sacrifices now so you can savor the sweetness of success later? Remember, the pain of discipline is only temporary, but the pain of regret can haunt you forever.

Enough with the "could’ve," "would’ve," and "should’ve." Stop procrastinating! Why are you holding yourself back from becoming the best version of you? Let me remind you of something: you were created with purpose, for a purpose. Do you know what that purpose is? It's time to discover it, pursue it with passion, and ask God to reveal it to you.

Start with one simple step today. Take action that will inch you closer to the life you were meant to live. Remember, it's the little things done consistently over time that yield remarkable results. If you desire better health, kickstart your journey by dedicating just 10 minutes a day to exercise. If saving money for a car, your dream home, or starting a business is your goal, look at your expenses and identify what you can live without. And if you're yearning for more quality time with your loved ones or seeking knowledge for a new career, take a hard look at the time wasters in your life.

Oh, and here's a gentle reminder: your kids won't stay young forever. Cherish these precious moments because they pass by in the blink of an eye.

This is your life we're talking about here. It's the sum of the choices you make. So why wait any longer? Your future begins today. Take charge and create the life you truly desire. It's within your grasp, waiting for you to claim it.


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